Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Getting Everything Together

Still in the States for a couple more months, about two months at this point. I have ordered my transcripts and I have an appointment with my local post office to get my passport next week. One of my friends from Berkeley just came back from a year teaching in Busan, another big city in South Korea. Seoul is usually compared to New York while Busan is compared to San Francisco. I will hopefully be getting together with him soon to chat about his year abroad. 
My company has offered to hold a job for me that starts Dec 1, which is exciting and a little scary at the same time. I feel like I go through waves of emotions when I think about going away for an entire year, some moments I can't wait to leave and other times I worry about how long a year can feel like if you aren't enjoying yourself. Its always reassuring to talk to people and they exclaim that "you'll have the time of you're life!" or "you're so lucky!"
Right now I'm going to start looking for a random job so I can save money for my first month in Seoul, unfortunately I'm in the same predicament that first drove me to find work overseas: the economy is bad and jobs are scarce.
I've been enjoying time with my friends and going out in the bay area. Trader Joes in currently having a deal on beer, 6 pack for $3, but only if you like Lagers, personally I am not a fan. 

Monday, September 14, 2009

Stuck and Aggrivated

I just got off the phone with my Universities registrar, I was inquiring about the rush or emergency diploma process when I was informed that they not only, "don't do that anymore" but my diploma won't be sent to me for at least another month. Now that means that I will have to wait an additional two-three weeks after the diploma is received (for processing and such) until I could leave. I emailed my contact at the Korean company and he told me what I already knew: they cannot hire me without the E2 Visa, and I cannot get the E2 without the physical diploma. I cannot get the diploma any quicker, even though I explained to them the time sensitive need, so basically I am shit out of luck.. gotta love those accommodating bureaucracies... I no longer bleed aggie blue!
So, now I am stuck in California for at least two more months, which would be fine if I had a temporary job, but I don't. So now I'm gonna go out and try to snag a job that I can work at until my diploma comes, whenever that is. Hopefully next time I'll have better news..
Music: some nostalgia here, I finally bought the Postal Service CD. I had forgotten how much I love that CD, brings me back to freshmen year of college :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Some good news always brightens the day...

Im feeling pretty good about the latest recruiter I talked with. The job that he was offering was a one-on-one tutoring position, which is much more up my alley than a 30 student classroom. (I recently heard a horror story about an esl teacher who witnessed one kindergardener stab another with a pencil! I am NOT cutout for that) The hours are a little different than most of the other jobs, its early morning 7am-11am, followed by a break, and then I have to return to work at 5:30. I can't decide yet if that will be a perk or a drag. Here are the some of the advantages of the job: students are all university age or older, I get my own office (woot, woot) and the two locations they hold are in...wait for it....Gangnam (also known as Kangnam, yeah that's not confusing) and Shinchon! Now, the average Californian would look at those two districts and say, yeah, so what? Well, Gangnam is a huge tourist attraction, one of the top places to go, one of the "nicest places to live in Seoul", and Shinchon is a college town that is also known for being super fun. So, basically, Im gonna be living in an awesome area either way, so I don't want to lean in favor one way or the other because I don't have control over which one I go to. 
Since there is no "listening to" feature at the bottom, let me tell you that you MUST go listen to the Islands "Whitney, don' call me bobby", best song ever. I may or may not have listened to that song about thirty times in the last three weeks (sorry to everyone at CK), and I think number thirty one will do it (yeah right)