Monday, September 14, 2009

Stuck and Aggrivated

I just got off the phone with my Universities registrar, I was inquiring about the rush or emergency diploma process when I was informed that they not only, "don't do that anymore" but my diploma won't be sent to me for at least another month. Now that means that I will have to wait an additional two-three weeks after the diploma is received (for processing and such) until I could leave. I emailed my contact at the Korean company and he told me what I already knew: they cannot hire me without the E2 Visa, and I cannot get the E2 without the physical diploma. I cannot get the diploma any quicker, even though I explained to them the time sensitive need, so basically I am shit out of luck.. gotta love those accommodating bureaucracies... I no longer bleed aggie blue!
So, now I am stuck in California for at least two more months, which would be fine if I had a temporary job, but I don't. So now I'm gonna go out and try to snag a job that I can work at until my diploma comes, whenever that is. Hopefully next time I'll have better news..
Music: some nostalgia here, I finally bought the Postal Service CD. I had forgotten how much I love that CD, brings me back to freshmen year of college :)

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