Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Getting Everything Together

Still in the States for a couple more months, about two months at this point. I have ordered my transcripts and I have an appointment with my local post office to get my passport next week. One of my friends from Berkeley just came back from a year teaching in Busan, another big city in South Korea. Seoul is usually compared to New York while Busan is compared to San Francisco. I will hopefully be getting together with him soon to chat about his year abroad. 
My company has offered to hold a job for me that starts Dec 1, which is exciting and a little scary at the same time. I feel like I go through waves of emotions when I think about going away for an entire year, some moments I can't wait to leave and other times I worry about how long a year can feel like if you aren't enjoying yourself. Its always reassuring to talk to people and they exclaim that "you'll have the time of you're life!" or "you're so lucky!"
Right now I'm going to start looking for a random job so I can save money for my first month in Seoul, unfortunately I'm in the same predicament that first drove me to find work overseas: the economy is bad and jobs are scarce.
I've been enjoying time with my friends and going out in the bay area. Trader Joes in currently having a deal on beer, 6 pack for $3, but only if you like Lagers, personally I am not a fan. 

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