Thursday, April 8, 2010

The creeping cold

I'm laying in bed before I have to go to work and the dull irritation in the back of my throat is getting more prominent each day, yep, it's cold season again. I'm been trying to fight off the startings of my sickness for a couple days, but it's really difficult when students who are clearly sick keep coming into my class and contaminating it! I've already had three students that came in coughing and sniffling throughout the class, as I edged my chair further away in disgust.
"Do you want a tissue Mr. Kim."
"No, no."
"Are you suuure you don't want to go get a tissue?"
I went to the pharmacy yesterday with my symptons written in korean and got two little boxes of some sort of medicine (written entirely in korean of course). Medicine is so cheap over here, it was only 8,000 won for two boxes of medicine. I just hope it works. I'm debating if I should go to my korean class today because I didn't go yesterday and if I can't finish all the homework I don't want to go, but I also don't want to be extremely far behind... hmmm...
I'm trying to will myself to health. "Listen body, you are NOT ruining my weekend, you hear? I've been waiting for a weekend for TWO WHOLE WEEKS and you are getting better!"
We have two new coworkers that we are supposed to take out to dinner tonight, so I'll try to stay for dinner and then run home and sleep again. I just took two more mystery pills so I'm crossing my fingers that they do their magic on me, cheers.

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