Thursday, April 1, 2010

나 자... (my name in korean)

It's friday morning and I'm quite sleepy. In the midst of exploring Versailles with my mom, taking pictures and looking at the old british buildings that reminded me of Mary quickly came to my attention that I was in fact, not in France but in my bed in Korea and I had dozed off after my alarm! I got up, assessed the damage... 6:13am, it's okay... as long as I leave NOW. I pulled on the nearest dress shirt I had and hightailed it out of my apartment. Three floors make a pretty dramatic departure when you're running down them. I made it to work on time though, with a couple minutes to spare.
I started Korean classes yesterday with Kathy, Ron and Mark. We're taking them at a rival company right around the corner from my office in Jongno. The class is taught entirely in Korean, which was really intimidating at first, but by the end of the two hour class I had already picked up a few words. It dawned on me how much more effective middle school and high school Spanish classes would have been if it had been taught entirely in Spanish by a native speaker, instead of a pretentious Californian that lived in Spain or Mexico for eight months and felt that they "deeply related" with spanish culture...uh huh...
My Korean teacher is really animated and through her charades and white board comics, we were able to go through the alphabet and a couple words. It doesn't sound that impressive, but I really needed to spend a good two hours going over this alphabet that's so different than my own, and I just don't have the patience to do it by myself.
우 유 is milk ... pronounced oooo (in moon)- you, oo-you
주 리 .. is Julie
잔 었 .. is janice

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