Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hey Again

The summer has come and gone and I didn't make any time for my blog, sorry about that. I'm turning into a white stereotype I guess. The other day I was in a book store, looking for some new reading material, when I came across the book "Stuff White People Like". I picked it up and after too many of the items on the list applied to me I put the book down, I ain't no stereotype. mutter mutter. One of the items said: Starting a Blog and Never Updating it. Gah. So to prove that list wrong, here I go.
I got a new office at work and it's definitely an upgrade. More space. More windows. 3ftx4ft World Map over my computer? Holla. I really like the map and it gives my daydreaming mind even more inspiration to imagine my extensive post-Korea travels.
It's starting to get a bit nippy outside, I pulled my jacket out of the closet and it's been a constant companion this week. I'm not ready for Korean winter again. It was so cold last year.
This upcoming weekend should be exciting, there is a free local music festival in Seoul on Saturday followed by a fireworks show and then on Sunday my Canadian friends want to have a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner. It'll give me some good blogging material (hopefully).
I'm doing well and I hope all of you are as well :)

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