Sunday, November 7, 2010

Peitsa visits and Scavenger hunts

It's monday, November 8th in Korea, and I'm at work after a nice three day weekend. Peitsa came to visit last week. Our family friends, who are both professors, are taking their sabbatical in Kyoto and Peitsa went to go visit them. My mom got him a layover in Seoul for three and a half days so we got to hangout and I showed him around. I was able to get friday off from work and we climbed Ansan mountain behind Yonsei, walked around Sinchon, and then went to the local traditional village in Anguk, where we found a cafe that roasts their own coffee beans (quite rare over here). After Anguk we went to the Chungechung river and looked at the laterns set up for the lantern festival, it was a cultural day and we got a lot of exercise. It was really nice to see him too especially since I didn't think I was going to see any of my family for almost two years.
He loves spicy food so I tried to take him to all the spiciest restaurants that I've been too, but though he enjoyed the tastes, nothing was spicy for him. Has someone burned away all their tastebuds?
After Peitsa left on Saturday I went on a scavenger hunt with Julia, Pym, Tyler, Nick and Nick's friend. The scavenger hunt involved going to five different bars and doing various random stunts for points and we had a camera to document everything. One of the dares was to cheers an older Korean man outside of a convenience store (where they usually drink) and we asked if we could cheers him (innocent enough right?) and he lost it and started yelling at us. Even after we put the camera away and turned away from him he kept yelling at us to go away. Yikes. We opted to not do that one again.
The scavenger hunt was really fun and our team dressed in mismatched clothes (costumes were encouraged). At midnight we all had to meet up with the other teams at the Hongdae park. Then we went out dancing into early in the morning, all in all it was a great night.
I've been listening to Arcade Fire a lot recently, I know I'm really late on the bandwagon but they are really, really good.

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