Wednesday, December 23, 2009

4 days until I leave for Seoul

The last month has flown by and my emotions have been a roller coaster of fear, anticipation, excitement, worry, second thoughts, and open-mindedness. After hearing some not-so-stellar, and questionable things about my future employer from past employees I started to get nervous. This year will most definitely be the hardest year I will have worked at this point in my life. I mean, I worked hard at times in college; midterms, finals, and doing applications, but all of those times were intense and far between with weeks of downtime before another rush. In Seoul I will be working essentially from 7am until 9:30pm, one worker wrote an ominous email, "get as much sleep as you can before you get here". Many people can attest that I can be quite grouchy when I don't get my preferred eight (or many ten) hours of sleep, so that will be an adjustment I will have to make.
I still have so many things to sort out before I leave, I have a room full of crap that looks like my closet threw up all over my bed and floor. Everything needs to either be packed, stored or thrown away. Woe is my inner pack rat! I feel pretty confidant with what I packed, I planned for any sort of medical "emergency" I might encounter (because apparently my job does not honor sick days), I have a mini medicine cabinet in my suitcase; pepto, EmergenC, vitamins, advil, sleep aid, earplugs, and the list goes on. I'm sure that if I looked hard enough I would be able to find these items in Seoul, but I also know that if I wake up feeling less than 100% I will be very grateful that what I need is in my room and not on the other end of a treasure hunt through a city I don't know.
My wonderful mother bought me a netbook the other day so that I wouldn't have to get a camera for my incredibly old laptop, and I immediately downloaded skype (which is awesome!) and tried it out with my friend Chris. We talked for over an hour and it was so much better than talking on the phone, I was able to carry my netbook all around the house and show him different things, much more interactive and it'll be great for keeping in touch with people.
Last night as I was seeing some people for the last time, my friend Joshua was talking about his recent adventure to Australia for a job over the summer, and how watching movies and tv shows online was key. He offered to send me some links for good websites to watch videos, to which I remarked, "Oh, I have a hulu account, I'll be watching that all the time."
"It doesn't work outside the U.S." He stated. I was stunned. I had never occurred to me that certain sites were location sensitive. I took the news in a manner similar to a child who had just been informed that Santa did not exist. I have the naivete of an unenlightened computer user when it comes to my knowledge of the internet and its limitations and possibilities.
I have also been successfully procrastinating the packing process, for example: this very moment. I'm off. I'm excited for what my next post will bring!

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