Monday, December 28, 2009

My first morning in Seoul

Faced with jetlagged insomnia I have decided to be productive about it and write my first blog in Korea. Im sitting at my desk in the Milano motel, which is a love motel. Korea has love motels all over the place, which are cheesy 197o's-esk honeymoon hotels, basicaly people go to them to... be alone, and thats where I'm living for the next week or until I find housing. My room is complete with bed, tv, internet (so happy, my coworkers internet doesn't work) a shower, and little table for two, and of course: perfume, body lotion, neon pink "Am aroma essence hair gel", brushes with someone else's hair in them (no thanks) and condoms. Luckily I packed my own bedsheets!
The flight over wasn't so bad, I got to sit in the emergency exit row which is actually pretty sweet for tall people becuase there was no one in front of me, leg room on a plane=awesome. I was feeling a little sad when I first got on the plane so I distratced myself with hours and hours of free movies on the plane.
At the airport I met another newby for my program (though we won't actually be working together, we're at separate branches) and he was really cool. It was definitely nice to have another person around who was going through the same thing. Neither of us have been to Korea before. Someone from the company picked us up from the airport and drove us to Gangnam where our training will be, the drive was quite long, though the airport is right outside of Soeul it took us around an hour to get to the motel.
We were both exhausted when we got to our rooms but it was only 7:30 and we wanted to attempt to have a regular night of sleep so we went out and walked around the downtown gangnam area. It didn't look a whole lot different than Market street except for the fact that I couldn't read anything. Pictures are going to be so helpful over here. We didn't stay out that long because it was snowing and my new friend was wearing converse (not snow friendly). There are alot of underground tunnels instead of crosswalks and they are like underground mini malls. One weird thing (well maybe expected, but I was still surprised) I didn't see any other foreingers the entire time we walked around!
Today I have job training and then I go house hunting, it's going to be another long day. I hope I find a good place quickly, then I can start getting settled. Well, I'm off! Also, no spell check, so sorry if my writing is ridic.

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