Sunday, January 3, 2010

My first week in Korea, in a nutshell

At the moment I'm sitting on my bed at the love motel in my jimjams and mukluks trying to regain the feeling in my feet. It snowed the first night I got here, but only for a few minutes, whereas today it's been snowing all day, some people even had a snow day today. I was unaware of the multitude of snow that would be gracing Seoul today when I set out for my first day of work this morning in my work clothes and shoes, stockings no socks, sorry mom.
This has been a whirlwind week, so much has happened that I feel like I've been here a month already. I'll attempt to describe it without writing a ten page entry, here goes nothing...
On new years eve my coworker Tyler and I met up with one of his friends from another branch of our company, they went to college together and he is quite new to Korea as well. First we stopped in at a bar in Sinchon (which is where I'm going to be living soon!) called Mint, it was located above a restaurant, up a windy staircase that makes you wonder how someone even happened upon it. It was a nice warm room that was quieter and more laidback than most bars here are, but the coolest part about it is that behind the bar there is floor to ceiling CDs and you can request any song you want (and these places tend to be emptier so you could listen to your favorite songs all night), and there are a lot of bars like this is Korea.
After Mint we went to a place called Itaewon, which is where all the foreingers hangout, and it was quite surreal. I went from seeing less than twenty westerners in three days to walking into a bar that was packed with over a hundred of them. The bar was a Canadian bar and they had a 90s cover band (swoon). They even played Weezer. We met more of Tyler's friend's friends and had some Cass (beer) for the equivalent of $3.
Interesting fact: Hite, which is another Korean beer, has formaldehyde in it, so yeah... not gonna be drinking that one. It gets you messed up! and kills you?
Housing: I hit a little bump in the road with housing, but it's all worked out now. Tyler and I both decided to get apartments in Sinchon, which is a college area and a quick commute to work, right across the street from each other. It'll be nice to have someone nearby in case of emergencies, or if life gets lonely over here. I've been talking to other people at the office and quite a few of them live in the same area so I'm looking forward to that. My apartment is small, but really homey, pretty much exactly what I wanted. I will have a Korean style shower though, which will take a little getting used to. (The snake-like shower heads that just hang on the wall, with no distinct shower area, I'll just be spraying myself, the mirror, the toilet, pretty much everything in the room will get soaked..)
I'm getting a phone tomorrow, which will be nice since I'm moving out of the motel soon and then it will no longer be as easy to get ahold of people as walking down the hall is.
I'm disappointed that hulu doesn't work here, but does, so guess what I did yesterday? If you guessed that I watched Jwoow and Snooki getting in a fight another at the Jersey Shore then you're right. ding ding. You can move me across the world, but I'll still watch trashy television.
A lot more has happened but I have to go back to work, I have a split shift so I work in the morning, have a break, and then work in the evening. I'm doing well and looking forward to moving into my cute little studio apartment, I miss everyone back home! :)

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear you can still enjoy the comedy stylings of "The Situation" and company. Itaewon sounds like a pretty cool hangout, anything good on tap?
