Thursday, January 14, 2010

Enjoying some coffee and free wifi

I'm sitting in a One Tree Hill cafe, sipping my "americano" coffee with a side of milk. I felt overly satisfied with myself when I was able to ask for milk "uyu" with my coffee, the little things that are slowly making my life easier are so gratifying. Obviously, the cafe has internet access which is a huge plus, it almost makes up for the fact that a weak cup of coffee costs 3,000 won ($3). The cheapest place I have so thus far to get coffee is McDonald's, at 2,000 won a cup with unlimited cream that does not taste like the cream back home, but tasty none the less.
It's Friday over here and I'm enjoying some time to myself inbetween my morning and evening shifts. I think I might try to do this once a week, come to a cafe and slowly drink my cup of coffee as I take full advantage of the free wifi.
I don't have internet at my apartment yet, and I won't have it for a while. This has been difficult because it hit me how much time I spend on the internet, I use it for communication, information, entertainment and now I feel at a loss of what to do with myself when I have free time that I feel like mindlessly wasting. So naturally, I borrowed Tyler's Simpson's collection and have been filling my spare time with the adventures of Lisa, Bart, Homer, and Marge.
My housing situation is still not completely settled yet. I won't be staying in my current apartment for very long, in a little less than a month I will be moving into Tyler's building which is way nicer than mine and a little closer than mine (okay one half block, but still... it adds up at night and there are no lights! it's creepy). My new building will have heated hallways (fist pump) more privacy (double fist pump) and I'll be living in the same building as two of my coworkers (breakdance).
Last weekend I had just finished my fist full week of work and I started my first night of freedom with a dinner next to work with quite a few of my coworkers. I wish I could remember the name of the dish, but i can't at the moment so I'll just describe it. The tables are big and round with a BBQ in the middle. Each table gets a plate of small cube sized pieces of uncokked steak and cooking utensils. With the meat comes an assortment of "side dishes", noodles, rice, kimchi (duh), vegetables, pickled radishes, sauces, a korean style coleslaw and a bowl of redleaf lettuce slices.
After you cook the beef to your desired char, you place it in the lettuce wrap and then you can add whatever else you want from the side dishes. SO delicious. I was marinating my beef cubes in one of the sauces before cooking them (hopefully that is not some sort of dinner etiquette fauxpaux). It was great, but the bill did end up coming out to 20,000 a person and on my budget, I won't be going there often, maybe a special occasion kind of place.
After that, Tyler, a few coworkers and I took the bus back in Sinchon. [*Bus fares are cheap over here, around 90 cents a ride, which is good bc I take the bus four times a day] We met up with our friends that live in Sinchon at a bar called Ipub, it was Western-ish. The beer was not too expensive, but it's really hard for me to get used to people smoking everywhere. All my clothes reek when I get home. I have a side room in my house that doesn't get heating and whenever I've been around a lot of smoke, I put my clothes in that room for 48 hours. I'm so happy that people cannot smoke in my office.
Saturday we went out in Sinchon again, first to the same bar, and I saw some sleazy American girls being ridiculous, wearing really short dresses (it's freezing over here) and one of them just pulled her dress up over her head. At the bar! Trust me, this place is not like Cancun on spring break, that is very uncommon, do I have to be in the same category a them? Then we went to a Rock bar, which looked like a small guitar hero themed bar. There was a huge projector that played the music video of whatever song you selected with the lyrics displayed on the bottom, with all the korean styled fruity pebbles we wanted (free with beer).
On Sunday I woke up with a sore throat, of course from the weather and not because I went out two nights in a row. I still went against the better judgment I should have had and went to the Seoul National Museum with some coworkers, the museum is free this month. The museum is massive, and we didn't get through the entire place, I might go back some day. But unfortunately, but the end of the day my head was throbbing and my throat was screaming.
My friends Kathy and Tyler were both really nice and helpful about me being sickish this week, which was comforting, and I'm almost back to normal now. i've been popping vitamin C like its no ones business.
I'm looking forward to this weekend, it's a coworkers last day today so we're all going out after work, and on Sunday my friend Kathy is having people over for brunch. I'm sure I'll have many exciting things to report back to you on Sunday evening, I'll possibly make a date with the One Tree Hill cafe again.

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