Wednesday, January 27, 2010

and so it is

Well it's time for an "I spoke too soon" post. I'm not moving. I'm staying at my apartment. Before you start to worry about me, let me assure you that I'm I've already gone through the full fives stages of grief according to the Kubler-Ross model. Denial (It's okay, I can move out of here... it's not permanent... they said I can move!... any day now... any day...) Anger (I can't move? They LIED to me!) Bargaining (it's okay, I'll just pay double rent on both places, someone will eventually move in, right?) Depression (Nope, I'm stuck here... I'm in a glass case of emotion) and finally I've settled at Acceptance (Well if I have to live here, I might as well make the most of it).
Honestly, I was angry, very angry a couple of days ago but at this point I've come to terms with the fact that I have to stay at blessed 302 and being mad about it won't change that fact. What happened was the hosuing manager started listing all these fees that I would be required to pay if I moved that hadn't been mentioned before; realtor's fee, moving fee, paying double rent until someone moves into my place, but where is the incentive to get a new person in if they have a paying tenant. I should have figured something was fishy when my conversations with the housing manager went along the lines of:
HM: So... do you still want to move?
Me: Yes.
HM: You sure?
Me: Yes.
(2 days later)
HM: So, do you want to stay at your apartment or move?
Me: Move. Definitely move.
HM: Okay.
(3 days later)
HM: I just wanted to clarify, do you want to move to the new place or stay at yours?

I think he was hoping I would randomly change my mind, then when I didn't all these fees were mentioned and realistically I cannot afford to pay for two apartments, and I don't really want to give the realtor anymore money when I feel that she lured me into an apartment and was dishonest about the construction site.
So now I'm going to start putting my energy into sprucing up my place and making it feel like a home more than a temporary situation. I cleaned the bathroom and put up some pictures that Vicki had given me as a going away present. Now my door has pictures of my birthday and friends and I like the place better already.
Yesterday was Wednesday and that means "Hump Day Beers". Tyler, a couple coworkers, the Sinchon crew and myself have decided to get together for a beer on Wednesday nights to have a nice little social gathering half way through the week. Last night Kathy and her boyfriend suggested that we check out a Chicken and Beer place, which are widely popular in Korea. We went searching for one after we all got off work and we had the choice of four separate Chicken and Beer places in one alley!
I had a really nice time talking with everyone while enjoying some fried and sauced chicken. I felt like I was going through an American rite of passage but in the wrong country. Doesn't chicken and beer make you think of the quintessential American stereotype, like Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin? It was my first chicken and beer experience but definitely not my last. It was tasty, fun and quite cheap.
This weekend Jae has invited Tyler, Matt, Mark and I to the Korean Halla hockey game and I'm soooooo (I could keep going) excited! Korea doesn't have their own league, but is part of the Asia League Ice Hockey (ALH) which has seven teams in Japan, China and South Korea. The game is going to be really exciting because the two top teams are playing each other, so it'll be a close game. We will be rooting for Halla, and I will try my best to resist the urge to throw in the Californian "Holla!" Must not say it..... Holll.....must not......llll....ahhh
I also have a three day weekend coming up in the second week of February, it's the lunar new year and we get friday off. I want to take advantage of my three day weekend, because that'll be the last one that I get until September.
Today I'm going to the immigration office to pick up my Alien Registration Card, and I will finally be legit. I'll update more when there's more to tell.

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