Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another Friday at the Office

I'm in my office and I just had the best overheard-at-the-office moment. My coworkers are talking about "kiddy fiddlers" or as I know them, pedophiles, and Tyler said that a priest in his area was arrested for that. To which David replied, "there was one at my school as well. He never bothered me even though I was a really cute kid!" Oh, David, he's one of the funniest people I've ever met. Gotta love the English sense of humor.
It's another TGIF, and I'm about to start a nonwork weekend. Two.Whole.Days.Of.Freedom. And how will I use my precious, precious time? I'll go to three museums, walk up the Yonsei mountain, take the train out of the city and then pratice for the 10k I signed up were reading that as sarcastic narrative right? I see much sleep in my near, near future.
Today will be quite productive though, I'm signing up for Korean classes for next month. Everyday from 12-2pm. Yikes. But I've been here almost three months and learned hardly any korean, who would have thought that only speaking english would result in not learning korean? April will be rough with the classes, but it's only a month and I'll be taking the classes with Kathy and Mark.
I hope everyone had a good St. Paddy's day. I went out and had some "green" beer at Beer O Clock, more of an off green. The gang enjoyed a couple pints and some fries with waaay too much mayo and then headed off to bed early. Surprisingly enough, that was the most "wild" St. Patrick's Day I've had in years, mid march finals week in not inducive to Irish style drinking, thanks UCD!
I'll write more after this weekend, which WILL be exciting

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