Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why is it still snowing?

California dreaming on such a winters day... So after a couple glorious days of warm weather and sunshine (one day I even wore a shortsleeve shirt without a jacket, whhhaaaa??) the sun yelled, "haha, just kidding!" and flew up behind the clouds and grey skies and cold temperature ensued. Not cool. If it had stayed at a constant cold spell, I would have just sucked it up, but the teasing bits of sun giving me false hope is just rude. Two days ago we had a mini snow storm. As you know, because you know me, I'm from California and we don't do snowstorms so guess my surprise when I was caught outside during the worst of it.
Tyler and I were coming back from work and he decided to stop at the health antonym, the root of obesity, the shrine of regret... okay, maybe I got a McDonald's dinner too... don't judge me! I've already judged myself enough. Anyway, after we left McFatty's, the snow was still falling and I had my handy umbrella out. We carefully walked up the street to avoid repeat falls while the wind started to pick up. Great. We started walking faster when all of a sudden multiple, unmerciless gusts of wind beat us from every direction. My umbrella fought a short, pitiful fight before crumpling under the wind's strength. The snow was coming down too hard and too fast so I couldn't see and I just continued to blindly move forward, with people and wind bumping me from every side.
Then another gust of wind hit down like a tidal wave and women started screaming! I had no perception of where Tyler was and the limp skirt that was formally my umbrella directed me right into (like, inside) of a tent! Oops.
Luckily, this was only about fifteen seconds, but boy... those were a long fifteen seconds. After the winds subsided and the people started to move I heard Tyler calling my name and we made it home safe and sound. The Micky Ds was cold when we ate it, but I deserved it after that scary walk!

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