Monday, March 22, 2010

yellow dust!

A billboard on the building across the street from my office is telling me to "enjoy temptation" with a picture of a tantalizing slice of pizza. Yeah right, you media serpent, you can't trick me into eating the forbidden pizza, it will open my eyes to a world I don't want to know... a world with, with... sweet pizza! sweet garlic bread! Nooo! I want to go back to the garden of garlic and salty Italian food! But I can't...
Today I didn't start work until 8:30 am (my usual starting time is 7:00am) and I had a rare night of eight hours straight of sleep. I did wake with a start at my standard waking time of 5:30 (yep, those dodged 8am classes that I recoiled from are starting to seem like a piece of cake these days) only to happily close my eyes for an additional hour and a half. I have a nice burst of energy today and I even tried this morning. Gots myself lookin' all purdy.
This past weekend I had my first encounter with the dreaded yellow dust (dust that comes over from China). The yellow dust comes in SK during the spring months and sits in the air like an eerie yellow mist, and yes I finally caved and I have a surgical mask. The weather has been pretty bad this year. Not only has winter decided to stick it's uninvited ass around for a bit longer (Screw you groundhog!) but instead of getting the beautiful spring sun, we instead get her ugly sister Yellowdustilina. Why are the pleasant months always the ones that seem to get shafted? Why is spring two weeks but winter is five months?
Luckily the dust had cleared by Saturday night and I was able to see Frida and some of my Korea friends who are also from California. We went to this cute little basement bar where there is an hourly charge of 2,000 won, but then the drinks are about 2,000-3,000 won each. Basically an insanely good deal. It was a nice night out in Sinchon.
On Sunday the weather was much, much better and Tyler and I went to go meet another tutor and their student who is moving to the US. We had a going away party for him at Castle Praha, and we stayed for a LONG time. Er... five hours? But it was such fun, it didn't seem that long at all. I met someone for a potential language exchange after I finish my April classes. yay. I also got to skype with a lot of people from back home which was really fun. I have some awesome friends :)

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